

Turol Jones, via Wikimedia Commons

The capital of Aragon has plenty to see in do thanks to two thousand years of history and two cathedrals, one of which the massive Basilica del Pilar is worthy of seeing, if just for its massive size. But the Goya frescos inside are the icing on the cake. There's also a Goya museum where you can see some of his smaller works including etchings.

The Aljafería Palace, the northernmost Muslim palace in Europe is also a big draw along with the Roman remains.

  • Basilica El Pilar with Goya Frescos

  • Aljafería Palace

Station stroll ideas

Delicias station is around 3km from the historic centre and surrounded by busy roads and an average suburb. However, the Tourist Information Office have come up with some ideas for walking and cycle routes

The main sites are on this map.

There is also a walking route that takes you around the bridges to see how the city has coped with the Ebro over the ages:


If you fancy a cycling tour, you could try Bizitour

For a cycling route around 'Green Zaragoza' including its iconic Parque José Antonio Labordeta:

For more details on the parks:

Guided tours



Tourist infomation

Here's a link to tourist information: Tourist info website

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