from Le Musée absolu, Phaidon, 10-2012, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
Town known chiefly for its ancient Etruscan tombs in the widespread necropoleis, or cemeteries, for which it was awarded UNESCO World Heritage status. Etruscan Necropolis of Tarquinia stretches for 5 kilometres, with hundreds of tombs dating from the late 7th century to the middle of the 1st century BC. All year round you can visit 22 of some of the most impressive and best decorated tombs, including the Tomb of the Lioness, the Tomb of the Leopards and the Tomb of Hunting and Fishing. To learn more about Etruscan life, you can visit several archaeological areas, like Civita di Tarquinia, with the imposing sanctuary of Ara della Regina and Gravisca, to find remains of a place of worship consisting of several buildings dedicated to Greek and Etruscan deities.Here's a link to tourist information: Tourist info website
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